Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2019

Isolation And Biochemical Characterization of Potential Isolates of Actinomycetes for The Production of Tyrosinase from the Campus of Davangere University

Author(s): Shivaveerakumar S* Jyothi Hiremath
Abstract: Aim: Tyrosinase is a important industrial enzyme which is produced by actinomycetes. Tyrosinase has many applications in medical, industrial and agriculture sector. The present basic study aims to isolate the potential actinomycetes from the campus of Davanagere University. Methodology and Results: Exploration of untapped environments for the isolation and characterization of actinomycetes is one in all the priority areas of research. Many culture-based studies have revealed that actinomycete recovered from the varied habitats comprises substantial synthesis potentials for the assembly of assorted bioactive compounds. Detection of a typical catalytic zone developed on Tyrosine Gelatin Beef extract (TGB) agar indicating the tyrosinase activity by actinobacteria may be a unique approach. 15 isolates of actinomycetes obtained from soils of Davangere University, India and were proved to be promising during primary and secondary screening for tyrosinase activity, supported the degree of catalytic zone and also intensity of color. Thus, observation of catalytic zone additionally to this the intensity of color could be a novel approach for the detection of tyrosinase activity. TGB medium has been proved as best suited (high intensity of color and maximum catalytic zone) for tyrosinase activity, from among eight media, including two conventional and 7 modified media, assessed during primary and secondary screening. An isolate of actinobacterium MSV1 and MSV3 has been proved as best with the most production of tyrosinase in TGB (15.16 IU) media. The foremost potential isolates were subjected for the biochemical characterization studies. Conclusion, significance, and impact of study: The basic research to find the potential isolate for the production of tyrosinase was successfully conducted and the potential isolate will be explored further.
PAGES: 1550-1560  |  29 VIEWS  72 DOWNLOADS

How To Cite this Article:

Shivaveerakumar S* Jyothi Hiremath. Isolation And Biochemical Characterization of Potential Isolates of Actinomycetes for The Production of Tyrosinase from the Campus of Davangere University. 2019; 9(1): 1550-1560.