Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2022

Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry, Traditional Uses, Pharmacology and Chemistry of Crataeva magna and Ficus dalhousie (Review Article)

Author(s): Mohsina F.P*, Aamir Quazi, Faheem I.P, Ustad Almas, Shaikh Rohin Fatema and Aquil-ur-Rahim Siddiuque
Abstract: The plant Crataeva Magna family (capparidaceae) and plants Ficus Dalhousie family (moraceae)are medicinal plants that represents the traditional medicinal herbs used in eastern as well western countries. Leave, flower and bark of Crataeva Magna contain various phytochemical constituents. Ficus is genus of approximately 850 species of tree shrubs vines epiphytes and semi epitopes of the Morus family commonly known as the fig tree or fig. The present review is displaying the information of Crataeva Magna and Ficus Dalhousia and its botanical description, phytochemistry traditional uses, pharmacology and chemistry. From various studies, it is observed that these plants are commonly and traditionally used in various biology virtues like Anti diabetic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti pyretic. But other than these CM has Anti fertility, Anti arthritic activity, Anti-Cancer and cardioprotective activity anti-Urolithic, anti-nociceptive estrogenic properties and FD has Anti-convulsant, Anti-hermetic, Anti hyperlipidemic.
PAGES: 126-135  |  29 VIEWS  97 DOWNLOADS

How To Cite this Article:

Mohsina F.P*, Aamir Quazi, Faheem I.P, Ustad Almas, Shaikh Rohin Fatema and Aquil-ur-Rahim Siddiuque. Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry, Traditional Uses, Pharmacology and Chemistry of Crataeva magna and Ficus dalhousie (Review Article). 2022; 12(1): 126-135.