Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2022

Isolation and Pharmacological Screening of Various Components of Aloe barbadensis Against a PDE Subclass (Research Article)

Author(s): P. Poli Reddy, A. Bheema Naik, V. Sowmya and K. N. V Rao
Abstract: Various components from A. barbadensis were isolated and evaluated for anti-inflammatory activity. Among the synthesized molecules, compounds 12, 13 and 24 were found to possess optimum PDE4D inhibition, further docking studies were also performed to determine the binding affinity; and the results reveal compound 12 has better binding energy value comparative to compound 13 and 14, These results suggest it can be used as a feed additive to achieve anti-inflammatory property.
PAGES: 69-74  |  35 VIEWS  48 DOWNLOADS

How To Cite this Article:

P. Poli Reddy, A. Bheema Naik, V. Sowmya and K. N. V Rao. Isolation and Pharmacological Screening of Various Components of Aloe barbadensis Against a PDE Subclass (Research Article). 2022; 12(1): 69-74.