Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2019

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Z. jujuba Leaf, Fruit and Seed Extracts

Author(s): Ponmani. S., Selvankumar, T., Kala. K and Gopinath L. R
Abstract: Zizyphus jujuba belongs to Rhamnaceae family which comprises about fifty genera and more than 900species. It is well known for its biological properties and there may be unknown phytochemical compounds present in the plant. Present work was studied on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of Z. jujuba leaf, fruit and seed using different extracts. Many compounds show presence in methanol extract and the quantitative analysis shows high in phenolic compounds.
PAGES: 1163-1170  |  46 VIEWS  58 DOWNLOADS

How To Cite this Article:

Ponmani. S., Selvankumar, T., Kala. K and Gopinath L. R. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Z. jujuba Leaf, Fruit and Seed Extracts. 2019; 9(1): 1163-1170.