Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2019

Phytoremediation Potential of An Azo Dye-Malachite Green

Author(s): Chirag N. Shah, Linz- Buoy George, Ashlesh M. Upadhyaya
Abstract: The use of phytoremediation is an eco-friendly and non-destructive method of dye removal from water and soil. On the basis of Tinospora cordifolia ability, it is investigated for phytoremediation. Different experiments were carried out with different concentration of an azo dye malachite green. Degradation of malachite green was confirmed with the help of UV-visible spectroscopy. Parameters like pH and conductivity were also studied before and after treatment with Tinospora cordifolia. The values of these parameters were found to be significantly reduced by Tinospora cordifolia by within 72 hours and it has been observed that Tinospora cordifolia is an efficient plant for degradation of dyes from water resources.
PAGES: 792-796  |  46 VIEWS  46 DOWNLOADS

How To Cite this Article:

Chirag N. Shah, Linz- Buoy George, Ashlesh M. Upadhyaya. Phytoremediation Potential of An Azo Dye-Malachite Green. 2019; 9(1): 792-796.