Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2019

Datura Stramonium (Dhatura) -Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses and Phytochemistry - A Review

Author(s): Shamim* and Mohammad Idris
Abstract: Dhatura (Datura stramonium) is a wild weed belonging to family Solanaceae, is used for its healing properties. Various species of Dhatura are known such as Datura inoxia, Datura metel, Datura stramonium and Datura wrighti. And widely employed for their medicinal and toxic properties that are based upon more than 30 alkaloids, Datura stramonium is a commonly known natural plant throughout the world for its hallucinogenic effects. It is also known to produce other effects such as euphoria. It has Munawwim (Sedative), Mohallil (Resolvent ), Musakkin-e-Hararat (Febrifuge), Musakkir (Narcotic), Mujaffif ( Desicant), Muqi (Emetic), Mushtahi (Appetiser), Mukhaddir (Anasthetic), Musakkin (Analgesic), Rade (Repellant) and Muqawwi-e-Bah (Aphrodisiac) etc. properties. It is used in Bawaseer (Haemorrhoids), Dard-e- Sar (Headache), Humma (Fever), Haraq (Burn), Hudar (Rheumatism), Ganj (Baldness), Irqunnisa (Sciatica), Inteshar-e-Shaar (Hair Falling), Isti sqa (Ascites), Juzam (Leprosy), Qurooh (Wound), Tashannuj (Convulsions) and Waja-ul-Mufasil (Arthralgia) etc. In this paper, an effort has been made to compile the actions, therapeutic uses, phytochemical and pharmacological studies of Dhatura (Datura stramonium).
PAGES: 622-631  |  61 VIEWS  52 DOWNLOADS

How To Cite this Article:

Shamim* and Mohammad Idris. Datura Stramonium (Dhatura) -Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses and Phytochemistry - A Review. 2019; 9(1): 622-631.