Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2019

Evaluation of CNS Depressant and Muscle Relaxant Activity of Lantana Camara L. Stem and Flowers

Author(s): Javed Khan Pathan*, Girendra Gautam and Arun Kumar Gupta
Abstract: CNS stimulant effect of the ethanolic & aqueous stem & flowers extract of Lantana camara L. were studied in mice using the benzodiazepine induced sleeping time. Rota rod bar & Actophotometer has been used to observe the extract’s effect on muscle coordination & locomotor activity respectively. The extracts effect was compared with caffeine (a well-known stimulant) indicating better contraction & stimulant properties. In comparison with diazepam (well-known sedative), extracts gave shorter duration of sleep; indicating relaxant and less locomotor activity indicating depression action. The results showed that the extracts at all doses tested, reduced the duration of sleeping time, when compared to the control group that received distilled water. This difference in sleeping time was significant (p<0.05) and this was also found to be dose dependent. The extracts found least comparable activity with caffeine. On Rota rod, the extract had comparative sedative effect as the animals maintained their balance on the rod through the entire period of the experiment.
PAGES: 461-468  |  43 VIEWS  48 DOWNLOADS

How To Cite this Article:

Javed Khan Pathan*, Girendra Gautam and Arun Kumar Gupta. Evaluation of CNS Depressant and Muscle Relaxant Activity of Lantana Camara L. Stem and Flowers. 2019; 9(1): 461-468.